110+ Monday Captions For Instagram

Mondays can be tough, but they’re also a fresh start to a new week. A great Instagram caption can lift your mood and set a positive tone for the days ahead.

Whether you’re aiming to inspire yourself or your followers, these 110+ simple Monday captions are perfect for adding a bit of motivation and energy to your posts. Let’s make this Monday a great one!

  • Welcome to Monday! Let’s make it count.
  • Mondays are for setting goals and achieving them.
  • A new week means new opportunities. Happy Monday!
  • Start your Monday with a smile and a plan.
  • Mondays are the perfect day to refocus and recharge.
  • Embrace the challenge of Monday and make it a great week.
  • Let Monday be the start of something special.
  • Here’s to a productive and successful Monday!
  • Rise and shine—Monday’s here!
  • Make this Monday the beginning of a fantastic week.
  • Monday is a fresh start. Let’s get to work!
  • New week, new mindset, new focus. Happy Monday!
  • Monday: A new chapter to write your story.
  • Let’s kick off the week with energy and enthusiasm.
  • Start your Monday with a positive attitude and watch the magic happen.
  • Mondays are for fresh starts and new beginnings.
  • Take on Monday with confidence and a smile.
  • Make every Monday matter.
  • Monday: The perfect day to chase your dreams.
  • Here’s to a week of success and happiness. Happy Monday!
thursday morning captions
short thursday captions

Short Captions For Monday

  • New week, new goals! 🚀
  • Monday vibes only. ✨
  • Ready to tackle the week! 💪
  • Fresh start, fresh energy. 🌟
  • Monday, let’s do this! 🔥
  • Here’s to a productive week! 📈
  • Monday mood: Determined. 🎯
  • Coffee first, Monday second. ☕
  • Starting strong this Monday! 🚀
  • Cheers to Monday motivation! 🥂
  • Monday’s forecast: Busy with a chance of success. 🌈
  • Time to shine this Monday! 🌟
  • Let’s make Monday amazing! 💫
  • Monday hustle in full swing. 🔧
  • Monday mindset: Positive! 😊
  • New week, new opportunities! 🌟
  • Let’s crush it this Monday! 💥
  • Monday mantra: Stay focused. 🎯
  • Wishing you a productive Monday! 💼
  • Monday is for fresh starts! 🌼

Funny Monday Captions

  • Monday: The day my coffee needs coffee before I can start the week.
  • I’m not a morning person, I’m a coffee person. Happy Monday!
  • Monday is proof that even the best of us can survive a little rough start.
  • If Monday had a face, I’d punch it.
  • I’m on a seafood diet on Mondays. I see food, and I eat it!
  • Monday is the day I start my diet… again. Wish me luck!
  • Monday’s goal: To do nothing and still look busy.
  • Monday: When you finally realize that your weekend is over and you need to adult again.
  • Monday is the day when my coffee is strong and my patience is weak.
  • Why is Monday so far from Friday and Friday so close to Monday?
  • Monday: The day that my bed is the most appealing thing in the world.
  • Just a friendly reminder that Monday is the start of a new week to procrastinate!
  • Monday’s forecast: 100% chance of needing more coffee.
  • Monday is the day my weekend gets put in the rearview mirror and reality hits.
  • On Mondays, I like to pretend that my coffee is my best friend and not my crutch.

Monday Motivation Captions

  • Monday is the perfect day to set the tone for the week ahead.
  • Turn Monday into a day of productivity and positive energy.
  • New week, new goals. Let’s make it count!
  • Face the challenges of the week with a smile.
  • Make this Monday the start of something amazing.
  • Start the week strong, and the rest will follow.
  • Your attitude on Monday determines your week. Choose positivity.
  • Monday: A fresh start to chase your dreams.
  • Let’s crush our goals and set the tone for the week!
  • Mondays are for new beginnings and fresh starts.
  • Focus on the possibilities, not the obstacles. Happy Monday!
  • Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can. Happy Monday!
  • Every Monday is a chance to reset and refocus.
  • Don’t wait for the perfect moment. Start now. Happy Monday!
  • Rise and shine—this week is yours for the taking!
  • Let Monday be the start of a week full of productivity and success.
  • Monday is a reminder that we have the power to change our week.
  • Approach this week with determination and a can-do attitude.
  • Set your goals high and make this Monday the start of achieving them.
  • Mondays are for motivation and setting the pace for the week. Let’s do this!

Happy Monday Captions

  • Hello, Monday! Let’s make it a great week!
  • New week, new goals. Happy Monday!
  • Start your week with a smile and a positive attitude.
  • Monday is a fresh start. Embrace it!
  • Cheers to a new week and new opportunities!
  • Let’s kick off this week with energy and enthusiasm!
  • Mondays are for fresh starts and new beginnings.
  • Happy Monday! Let’s tackle the week ahead!
  • Here’s to a week full of success and happiness. Happy Monday!
  • Start your week strong and let’s make it amazing!
  • It’s Monday—time to set the tone for the week ahead!
  • A new week is like a blank canvas. Make it beautiful!
  • Mondays are the perfect day to reset and refocus.
  • Rise and shine! It’s a brand new week to conquer!
  • Happy Monday! Let’s make this week the best one yet!

Monday Morning Captions

  • Rise and shine! It’s a new week full of possibilities.
  • Monday morning: a fresh start and a chance to make things happen.
  • Coffee in hand, game face on. Let’s conquer this Monday!
  • New week, new goals, new opportunities. Let’s get it!
  • Start the week with determination and a positive mindset. Let’s make every moment count.
  • Start your Monday with a smile and the rest of the week will follow.
  • Embrace the challenge of Monday and turn it into a triumph.
  • Mondays are for setting the tone for the rest of the week. Let’s make it count!
  • Today’s the day to take charge and make things happen. Happy Monday!
  • Mondays are the perfect time to set new intentions and chase your dreams.
  • Let’s start the week strong and finish it even stronger. Monday, we’ve got this!
  • Wake up, kick ass, repeat. It’s Monday morning and we’re ready!
  • Mondays are a reminder that we can always start over and make things better.
  • Begin the week with a positive mindset and watch the magic unfold.
  • It’s Monday—time to shine bright and chase those dreams.
  • Set the tone for your week with a productive and motivating Monday morning.
  • Let’s make this Monday the start of something amazing.
  • Monday: The perfect opportunity to reset and recharge. Let’s do this!
  • Mondays are the perfect time to set goals and make plans. What’s your strategy?
  • Start your week with passion and watch everything fall into place. Happy Monday!

Monday Quotes

  • “The best weeks start on Monday.” – Nice Peter
  • “Monday is a sloppy umbrella day, which makes everybody a little blue.” – George Leedy
  • “So. Monday. We meet again. We will never be friends – but maybe we can move past our mutual enmity toward a more positive partnership.” – Julio Alexi Genao
  • “If each day is a gift, I’d like to know where to return Mondays!” – John Wagner
  • “Monday is for people with a mission.” – Christina Imre
  • “When life gives you Monday, dip it in glitter and sparkle all day.” – Ella Woodward
  • “There are no miracles on Mondays.” – Amy Neftzger
  • “Mondays are mundane, like Tuesdays minus 24 hours.”- Jarod Kintz
  • “Today I am doing better than yesterday, and tomorrow I hope to be doing better than I am today. And two days from now? Well, that’s a Monday, so I’ll be feeling shitty.” – Jarod Kintz
  • “The only good Monday is a Monday in bed” – Lee Horton
  • “Like the song says, rainy days and Mondays always get ya down.” – Haruki Murakami
  • “Monday is great for becoming too busy to die.” – Roy Station
  • “I don’t like Mondays, especially if they occur on Fridays.” – Jarod Kintz
  • “Monday is an awful way to spend 1/7 of your life.” – Steven Wright
  • “What about Monday? That could be one day we look at things the same way and wear funny shoes.” – Kevin Dalton
  • “Mondays are a lot like getting fat. They make you feel sad, sometimes angry and there is not much scope for liking either fat or Mondays for any reason.” – Garry Moll
  • “Don’t let a day of the week have so much power over your happiness. Happy Monday!” – Andrea L’Artiste
  • “Everyday is Monday….till Friday.” – Viktor VolksPrater
  • “Candy is nature’s way of making up for Mondays.” – Rebecca Gober
  • “Monday is the day that opens up the week for many opportunities.” – R.K. Narayan
  • “Every Monday you wake up is a day to make a change.” – Irvine Welsh
  • “There isn’t a Monday that would not cede its place to Tuesday.” – Anton Chekhov
  • “Don’t mess with anybody on a Monday. It’s a bad, bad day.” – Louise Fitzhugh
  • “If I could, I’d give up Mondays to have her love again. Actually, forget her love, I’d give up Mondays for free.” – Jarod Kintz
  • “Mondays are the start of the work week which offers new beginnings 52 times a year!” – David Dweck


A great Monday caption can turn a challenging start into a positive one. Choose your favorite, share it on Instagram, and kick off the week with confidence and motivation.

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